Friday, March 27, 2009

Question 4bi

4bi) Vandalism in our school is quite rare but there are two places where vandalism takes place often. It is the classroom and the toilet, Examples of vandalism there is graffiti and sometimes destroying of notes on the notice board. On the tables there are a lot of graffiti on it so my form teacher told us to cover our tables with wrapping paper which is a great idea. There is also vandalism in the toilet such as wetting paper and throwing it everywhere.

4bii) I usually see graffiti in the public facilities such as basketball courts and playgrounds. It is mostly written by teenagers and on it are mostly vulgarities and words we shouldn’t be saying. They usually do it for the fun of vandalizing without getting caught. It affects the public in many ways; examples are that people would avoid the place which causes many inconveniences.

Question 4a picture 3

Graffiti on the parliment walls which states" Harry Lee, I love you." Harry Lee is the name commonly used by Minister Mentor Lee's family members.

Question 4a Pictures 1 and 2

The Picture on the right shows a car is scratched possibly by a key or a knife and other sharp and hard objects.
The picture above shows a
Picture which was found on the
Wall which was probably spray

Question 3a and 3b

3a) Vandalism usually involves teenagers, gang members and terrorists.

b) Reasoning for such actions can be attributed to anger, envy or spontaneous, opportunistic behavior, gang cultures and disgruntlement with the target (victim) person or society.

Question 2b(Picture Three)

Picture Three:
The side of a car has been scratched by a key. It could cause the owner a lot of money to fix the damage and maybe cause other problems.

Question 2b(Picture Two)

(Picture Two)
A caution sign damaged by bullet holes.
People may mistake the signs on it as it is defaced.

Question 2b(Picture One)

Picture One

The destruction of glass windows and doors is a form of vandalism.It may injure passers-by when they step onto the glass.

Question 2a

Q2.a) there are many types of vandalism. Examples are graffiti, defacement, criminal damage and arson without permission. There are still many examples of vandalism, any act that destroys and defaces properties without permission are classified as vandalism.

Question One: What is vandalism?

Q1.Vandalism is the ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable without permission. Historically, vandalism has been justified by painter, Gustave Courbet, destruction of monuments symbolizing "war and conquest".